Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr. Appt

So I went to the doctor yesterday for my glucose/diabetes test and for a check up. Haven't heard anything back yet on my results...I will update if I find out anything...most of the time no news is good news so lets hope. I was pretty much told that my pain would go away once Mayci gets here...duh! I was very busy yesterday with having to be at the hospital @ 7:30am and then helping the new cheer coach get camp stuff organized to going to Waco with Casey...he took and passed the Health test so I was paying for it last night...didn't sleep much needless to say. Today we had day 1 of cheer camp...I didn't do a whole lot, was just there to make sure my replacement doesn't quit. Hope to get pictures up soon...have to get Casey to take some. Stay tuned on our status...until next time...

1 comment:

  1. How did the glucose testing go? You need to post some pics!
