Thursday, July 30, 2009

32 Weeks...

So I went yesterday for a checkup...Casey had football camp and was unable to accompany and mom had already made plans to come to Temple so she came a little early and made it just in time to hear Mayci's heartbeat. Her face lit up when she heard her heart beating 150 beats per minute...girls tend to have a higher heart rate. Dr. said everything looks great, I had gained 2 pounds since the last visit which is right on track with gaining a pound a week. According to BabyCenter, Mayci is between 3.5 and 3.75 lbs and 16.5 inches long.
Back to the Dr. appointment, she said at the point I am at now, if I were to go into labor, they would not stop it...sort of puts things into perspective! I also have to monitor her kick counts...keep tabs of her movements, she should move at least 10 times within an hour and if she doesn't, I need to contact labor and far so good...guess Mayci is going to be a little gymnast!

So with mom's TREMENDOUS help we have completely purged my entire house...trying to get ready for the final garage sale as well as the arrival of little Mayci. Hopefully things go okay on Saturday...everything that doesn't sell is being donated to the church, they are having a FREE garage sale pretty soon...just know that Casey says it CAN'T come back to the house.

That's enough for now...had Casey take pics...I really feel as if I just popped out more this week...excuse the no and I worked hard today.

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Nursery

So Mayci's nursery is pink and brown, her bedding is toile and accessories and decor is pretty much anything with pink and/or brown on it. Mom is coming tomorrow to help me with hanging stuff on the walls...I HATE putting holes in the wall. I have a picture of just her bed, it has clothes on it but I thought I would post it and then once the room is done I will take more pictures and post them as well so that you can see it. Still have lots to do as far as rearranging closets, etc...

31 Weeks

So I am 31 weeks now and I finally had Casey take a couple of pictures of my belly for those of you that don't see me on a regular basis. I never heard anything back on my diabetes test so I am assuming everything is okay. I go to the doctor on Wednesday so I guess I will find out if there was something wrong. Today has been an exciting day, my friend Windee had her little boy at 5:56am, Kyler James Skrabanek, 8lbs 4oz and 19 3/4in long. He is absolutely adorable! Mother and son are doing great. Mayci is moving more than ever every day. My stomach looks deformed when she starts flipping or at least that is what it feels like she is doing. Casey says I don't eat enough, he is worried that she is going to be small but I think we are fine! I'll post later with any updates.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

30 Weeks...10 More to GO!

So I am 30 weeks now with only 10 more to go...I am measuring about half a centimeter small as far as my abdomen size but that is ok. Mayci is moving a lot more now and she has started getting the hiccups every night which is interesting. My sciatica is getting better or maybe I am getting used to it...either way I have found some relief. Casey left today for coaching school in Austin till Wednesday so it is just me and the pups. I have training in Waco starting tomorrow so that will be nice to take my mind off of him being gone. My friend Windee is due today but for some reason her little one enjoys hanging out in the womb...hopefully he will come soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr. Appt

So I went to the doctor yesterday for my glucose/diabetes test and for a check up. Haven't heard anything back yet on my results...I will update if I find out anything...most of the time no news is good news so lets hope. I was pretty much told that my pain would go away once Mayci gets here...duh! I was very busy yesterday with having to be at the hospital @ 7:30am and then helping the new cheer coach get camp stuff organized to going to Waco with Casey...he took and passed the Health test so I was paying for it last night...didn't sleep much needless to say. Today we had day 1 of cheer camp...I didn't do a whole lot, was just there to make sure my replacement doesn't quit. Hope to get pictures up soon...have to get Casey to take some. Stay tuned on our status...until next time...

Friday, July 10, 2009

29 Weeks

So I am 29 Weeks now...only 11 more to go. So far I have had a wonderful pregnancy...until Mayci apparently has located herself on my sciatic nerve which is causing major pain to my lower left back below my waist. I have been instructed that REST is the bed medicine, along with Tylenol every 6 hours...there really isn't a whole lot of options when it comes to nerves so I guess she is just going to have to MOVE soon. I go to the doctor Monday, July 13th for my glucose screening and for a checkup so I will definitely post how that goes and keep you updated. Pictures will soon follow...have tried to stay away from the camera lately!

Hello & Welcome

So I am a little late in the pregnancy to be starting a blog but figured it would be nice to keep everyone updated on what is going on as well as when Mayci gets here. Hope you enjoy reading and keeping up with our lives!