Tuesday, February 5, 2013

3 missed calls, 2 voicemails & 1 text


Wednesday nights are busy for me since I work @ the church. Dad called and left a voicemail so when I left church I called him back, got his voicemail. Mayci and I went to catch the end of the men's basketball game when dad called me two times, leaving 1 voicemail. It was so loud in the gym I couldn't hear. Then I got the dreaded text from Irene; "your dad wanted me to let you know he's back in the hospital for more tests, he's still getting worse". I run up the stairs and towards the back of the building trying to get as far away from the noise calling dad at the same time. My heart was racing, phone service was terrible but we finally got connected. Dad said he was having some motor skill problems; like talking and walking. They said they would do an MRI in the morning and go from there. So I was on standby all night and part of the day Thursday waiting to see if I needed to head that direction. It isn't easy being 500 miles away, 6 months pregnant and wanting to be right there with my daddy!

The MRI showed some progress from the chemo treatment, positive! But...there were new spots, taking over a larger part of his brain which controlled motor function. They immediately started him on a 5 day steroid treatment Wednesday night when he was admitted so they were continuing that, and then just monitoring him. They also started physical therapy to help him with the loss he had in his right hand, and would do some speech also. I'm not sure what other "issues" he may have been having that they would cover.

He was released Monday, will do PT & OT and then chemo again in 2 weeks. Today(Tues) is the first time I've talked to him since he's been home, it was about 5:30pm, he sounded worn out, said he wasn't sure how much more he could take. We didn't talk long, he said he would call back when he had more energy. It's so extremely hard to hear your Dad, the one whom is supposed to be your "rock", in so much pain...and not to mention whom seems to be giving up. Please keep praying as that's the only thing I know to do...I need guidance, and understanding. I so badly want him to transfer to a hospital over here!! It's hard talking to dad bc he gets his days mixed up, probably forgets what we talk about and don't talk about so sometimes I feel as if my info is distorted somewhat...I'm trying to stay positive, I know God is in control!


  1. Thinking and praying for you, your dad and your entire family!! Love that u blog!! :-) Hugs your way!

  2. Blaine I had no idea your Dad was so sick. I am terribly sorry to hear the news. Hang in there and try to stay positive. I will definitely pray for him and your family and trust in God that he will win the battle. He sounds like a wonderful man and I'll bet he is also a fighter. Best wishes and God bless all of you.
